Monday, November 29, 2010

Movie Review: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1

Selepas tgk Twilight:Eclipse, aku dah takder tgk any movie langsung. Kalo ader pon...tgk DVD kat umah jer. Reason...


& xder movie yg layak tgk kat cinema pon. That is until this movie show....Aku dah kumpul all 6 DVD of the previous Harry Potter movie, so...definitely I wont miss watching the movie at cinema.

Back to the review. Well.... this is the final book from the author J.K. Rowling (if korg x tau) and in order to make it more interesting, the director split the movie into 2 part.

After Dumbledore died in the Half Blood Prince, all has gone wrong. Voldermort getting stronger & stronger. He use his Death Eater to get hold on most of all importants title just to make sure all the Aurors & most importantly, Harry Potter is on the run. & Harry? Well his hope lies in the remaining of the Auror of the Order of the Phoenix.

Just as a reminder...if korg tak tgk previous movie or the previous novel before watching this movie, it will be like you watching The Matrix Reloaded without watching the Animatrix: The Flight of the Phoenix. Get it?

Back to the review...

Unfortunetely, the Order of the Phoenix also are losing its member, one by one. So...lastly it come to Harry, Hermione & Ron to at least try to kill Voldermort before he take over the world. In order to do so, the three of them need to solve the final puzzle that Dumbledore has left to them inside his will.

To Ron, Dumbledore left The Diluminator; an object that can capture any light in the room when close. When open, will restore the light back to where it came from. The Diluminator also can help the owner to find what he want the most as Ron need it when he left Harry & Hermione out of jealousy due to the effect of the Horcrux (Ha?? What is this? dont worry, I will explain it later) and then realize his mistake and from the Diluminator, Ron heard Hermione voice and follow it until it bring him to them.

To Hermione, Dumbledore left his copy of The Tales of Beedle The Bard in the hope that she can find it entertaining to read as well as instructive. With the book, Hermione the beauty with brain manage to find the location of the item they looking for.

And to Harry, Dumbledore leave him the Snitcher; the one that he won during his first game of Quidditch. The Snitcher will play a big part in part 2 of the Deathly Hallows as it will reveal the 2nd of the Deathly Hallows that Harry are looking for. Dumbledore also leave Harry the Sword of Gryffindor. Unfortunetely....the sword is missing.

The will of Dumbledore are very important as it will help them to find what they need to destroy Voldermort which is the Horcrux:A Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. The Diary of Tom Riddle is an example of the Horcrux.

In order to find the balance of the Horcruxes, they went back to Sirius Black house for shelter as well as to sort things out. In the house, where they find the clue to find one of the Horcrux: The locket of Salazar Slytherin. This locket cannot be unmade except being crush by its arch enemy.

One by one they find the Horcruxes until they find out about the Deathly Hallows.

Symbol of the Deathly Hallows

"The Elder Wand," he said, and he drew a straight vertical line on the parchment. "The Resurrection Stone," he said, and he added a circle on top of the line. "The Cloak of Invisibility," he finished, enclosing both line and circle in a triangle, to make the symbol that so intrigued Hermione. "Together," he said, "the Deathly Hallows."
—Xenophilius Lovegood

As it says, the Deathly Hallows are the only way to kill Voldermort as the one who own the Deathly Hallows, He will master Death. So instead of searching for the Horcruxes, Harry, Hermione & Ron opt to search for the Deathly Hallows. Unfortunetely, when they realize about this, they have been capture and brought to Malfoy Manor. This is the place where Harry fight with Draco Malfoy who in the Half Blood Prince disarm Dumbledore from his wand. Harry manage to defeat Draco and also escape the Manor with the help of Dobby who died in order to save them.

With regards to the Deathly Hallows....
  1. The Elder Wand which is the most powerful Wand created by Death. He who want to possess the wand have to defeat or disarm the wand from the owner. The owner of the wand is non other than Dumbledore himself. In the end of Part 1 of the Deathly Hallows, Voldermort take the wand from Dumbledore grave.
  2. The Resurrection Stone. He who possess the stone can call back his love one who has passway. Harry do not know about it, but the stone is with him.
  3. The Invicible Cloak. He who own this cloak will be invisible. Harry own this as a gift from Dumbledore.

Harry, Hermione & Ron has come along way from the first movie/book. From just a small boy, until becoming a teenager. Just to be frank, I wasn't into the Harry Potter thingy. Why? Well....mula2 dolu crite dia psl mls ar nak tgk. But since I did buy the dvds thus make me a follower in a way, I need to watch the movie at cinema rather than watching at home via dvd.

Whats my verdict? 4 out of 5 Star. I didnt read the book so I didnt know how much the film differentiate from the book but at least I manage to understand the storyline..

So now...lets wait for the Part 2 of the Deathly Hallows which going to be release in July 2011.

P/s: Dah beso dah Emma Watson tu eh? Cun plak tuh...

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Proton Saga Facelift: Launching Nov 2010

Not only that Inspira going to be launch by this month, Saga FL pon sama. Kat atas ni the latest photo yg aku rembat dari internet...huhu..

What are the differences?

Obviously the Rad grill dah tukar. Since Exora, Proton nmpk nak establish the silver grill with Proton logo in the middle. So Saga FL ni pon menonjolkan benda yg sama....

Other than that, the Headlamp pon tukar, interior pon ader tukar...but x nmpk sgt bezanya.

Bile nak launch? Aku x sure exact date. Tp yg sure, it will be this month gak...

Proton Inspira: Latest photo

Cun gak Inspira warna merah ni...

Betul ka Upin & Ipin ada agenda Yahudi tersembunyi

Aku ader terima emel baru2 ni pasal 2 budak tomei ni yg buat aku rasa x best or tak percaya...Kat bwh ni isi kandungan emel tuh...aku rasa korg pon mesti lagi cepat dpt emel ni drpd aku:

Subject: RE: "Terjah : Fwd: Jangan sebut Upin & Ipin. Sebutlah Uffin & Ariffin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





Sebutlah Uffin bukan Upin sebab Upin dalam bahasa Aramaic bermaksud “Aku
benci Rasul.”
Sebutlah Ariffin bukan Ipin sebab Ipin dalam bahasa Syriac bermaksud “ Aku
suka Israel .”

Ini diburukkan lagi oleh penggunaan huruf “U” pada baju Upin dan “I” pada
baju Ipin.
“U” bermaksud “USA”
“I” bermaksud “Israel”

Terbuktilah bahawa Upin & Ipin juga merupakan agenda tersembunyi Yahudi
dalam melemahkan akidah umat Islam. Mereka menggunakan Upin & Ipin sebagai
jarum halus terbaru setelah mereka gagal dalam misi Pokemon, Doraemon,
Digimon dan Mamula Moon.


Baru-baru ini Syarikat Apple telah melancarkan iPhone 4g. Diharap ikhwah dan
akhawat semua dapat sama2 memboikot iPhone 4g kerana ia sebenarnya adalah
agenda yahudi. ‘i’ pada perkataan iPhone sebenarnya merujuk kepada ‘ Israel ’.
4g pula bermaksud “god, gold, glory and girl”. kalu kamu benar2 cintakan
Allah dan rasul, sila sebarkan kepada semua umat Islam kalau tidak solat
kamu tidak sah selama 40 hari 40 malam.




Well...isi kandungan emel ni ader 2 crite: #1 pasal Upin Ipin & #2 Pasal Iphone 4

Aku susah nak percaya yg #1. #2 tuh...Kalo nak ikutkan..semua brg org kafir termasuk laptop yg aku pakai ni pon ader agenda Yahudi...Setahu aku 3G tuh pernah ler aku dgr. Tp more towards Christianity. But 4G? & the #4 G is Girl? Hmmm..... Beside...the new Iphone is Iphone 4. Not Iphone 4G....Hmm...

If betul ar #1 tuh...Pas ni kite x ble panggil kawan kita yg name manjanya Upin or Ipin lagi lah...

Ape pendapat korg?

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Numero Uno

My little girl turn 1 last 31st October 2010.
Gosh...cepatnya masa berlalu. Rasa mcm baru lagi jer aku qamatkan tlinga budak tomei ni tahun lepas dlm lebih kurang pkl 11pm lebih.
Just look at her....
Syukur Alhamdulillah atas kurniaan Ilahi yg tak ternilai buat aku dan Erma. Thanks jugak for those yg bile jmpa Ayra ckp budak ni coooooooooooooooomelllllllllllll sgtttttttttt.
Aku nak riak sambil berkata,"tengoklah ayahnya......n mummynya". Tp I never said like that. Ayra have a lonnnnnnnggggg way lagi to go.
Ayah doakan Ayra akan sentiasa jadi anak yang solehah, Jgn ikut perangai buruk mummy & ayah....Ikut perangai elok mummy & ayah....Semoga anak ayah ni akan membesar dgn sihat walafiat dan berjaya dlm hidup.
Ayah & mummy will try to be there for you anywhere anytime that u need us.
Selamat Hari Lahir yang pertama, Ayra Ashadeeya.

Proton Inspira: Latest Proton model to hit the road 10.11.10

Lama aku rasa tak update blog ni with Auto industry punya crita, kan? Well, ni aku tgh rajin so aku update story about the new Proton Inspira.
Semua org dah tau yg Proton akan melancarkan model terbarunya, Inspira pada 10.11.10 ini. Dlm blog, suratkabo & other medium berita mengatakan booking utk model ini telah mencecah 1,100 units within 10 days of open for booking. Quite convincing, eh? Tp sebenarnya..baru 990u yg benar2 mendapat tempahan. Mana aku tau? Aku taulah. Tp model ni mmg cantek. Pakkan ar aku xder duit lebih, if ader...dah sambar satu dah.
Just nak update info on this model on my blog eventho dah bersepah info pasal model ni kat serata alam:
  • Inspira is a rebadge model base on Mitsubishi Lancer. Why rebadge? Should u invest around RM700k to sell the finish product at 1.6k per month? Or u rather sign & agreement with Mitsubishi - I take your 2nd latest model of Lancer; rebadge under my name and u take my Exora platform and turn it into your new MPV or IMV segment which will cost me about RM190k? So if korg ni businessman, korg mesti tau yg meniaga ni nak untung, betul tak Perodua?
  • For the 1st phase, only 30% are genuine local content while the rest are KD from MMC. When the 2nd phase start which will be middle of next year, Proton are targetting about 60% of local content for Inspira.
  • Those who own the current Lancer sell by Mitsubishi Malaysia, have no fret! If previously, when you service your car and want to change some part (If your warranty is void or over the requirement), you can get it far cheaper by buying from Proton. I.e: 1pc of Shock Absorber would cost RM6-7oo buying from MMC. From Proton, you can get RM110max and u will get the part on the dot while if you buying from MMC, u need to place an order, pay the deposit and wait for 1 1/2mth to get the parts. Ok....the Inspira are tune by Lotus while Lancer are tune by MMC - mana sama maa! Do u know that Inspira suspension are way better than Lancer. Cuba pk, Lancer buat tune up kat mana? Japan. Inspira buat tune up kat mana? Malaysia. Road condition kat Japan ngan Msia sama ke bai?
  • For RM95,000. U will get a 2.0L car fully equipe with ABS, airbag, tiptronic gear (Mitsubishi transmission of course!) and a lot more gadget. Kena tambah RM6k jer beb nak upgrade dari 1.8L CVT to 2.0L CVT. Ape la sgt.....

So.....I do have high hope for this car. Mesti akan jd cam ape yg jd ngan Wira la dulu. Org mesti beli, then modified jd mitsubishi blk! Tp sebenarnya, x payah nak buat apa, keta ni dah cun beb....