Aku prasan sorg awek cun ni dok tgk aku jer.... Cun plak tu. Mkn sorg2. Tgh tg bf dia kot... Aku pon continue ler mkn prosperity burger tanpa pedulikan org lain. Sambil mkn tu aku tgk lagi awek tuh...hehee. Asyik aku tgk dia, dia tgk aku. Then tetiba dia say hi! sambil pandang ke arah aku...
Yoyo jer awek ni say hi kat aku. So aku tgk ler blkg aku. Xder org. If ader pon, semua sebok buat hal memasing. Then she say hello plak. Aku senyum jer la. Dia senyum blk. Then tetiba dia bgn sambil mengeluarkan Iphone 4nya sambil berlalu sebelah aku. Dicelah telingannya tersumbat bluetooth headset.
Itulah manusia zaman skrg. Itu blm tgk lagi org marah tiang letrik. Ketawa sesorg. Setakat bercakap sesorg tu...dah berlambak dah.

Ckp org... aku pon sama. Hehe. Pernah ler skali aku tgh membrowse fb sambil berjalan, aku hampir termasuk kedai lingerie. Nasib baik aku sempat berenti...hehe
Talking about smartphones, Iphones from Apple not the only smartphone out there. Ada byk brand lagi lah. Cuma Iphone so popular that the other brand mcm cap ayam jer. Actually not.

There are Blackberry, Samsung, HTC and normal model like Nokia, Motorola & Sony Ericsson. The differences between these phones are their OS (Operating System). Iphones using their own iOS made by Apple. Samsung, HTC, Sony Ericsson are using Android (OS made by Google) or Windows Mobile (made by Windows)
Why I buy Smartphones? No...not because I want to be smart (coz I already am hehe) tp more towards nak carik replacement utk phone aku yg dah kaput. Lagipon aku x suka bwk laptop merata2 and aku x suka memegang tablet pc & pakai phone skali. So smartphone is the answer. Lagipon, ble main game...hehe. Lagipon utk aku, hp ialah keperluan bkn kehendak.
Ayra lagi suka aku ader smartphone ni. Asyik suruh aku amik gmbr dia lah. Then tgk sendiri la. Then nak tgk mickey mouse clubhouse plak kat youtube. Hadoi....Sampai kekadang, bile ader call in and Ayra tgh pegang phone aku, dia ble tak kasi aku amik dari tgn dia...Ish...ish. Bagi phone menan or hp lain - x laku. She remember.
So korang plak mcmane?
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