It come to the last fixtures of the season to crown the champion of BPL season 09/10. For an AVERAGE season...its kinda weird that it need the last game of the season to conclude most probably the worlds most watch football/soccer league. Congratulate to Chelsea for winning the title and breaking Manchester United score record of 97 goals with an unbelieveable 103 goals this season. Congratulate also to Drogba & Lampard for winning the golden boot award as well as most assist awards. And of coz congratulate to Spurs for beating the odds to land the final UCL spot and end their campaign with their highest league position to-date.
If korang ader baca season preview yg aku post early of the season.... apa yg aku ramalkan, nmpknya menjadi kenyataan. Cuma Liverpool punya position jer yg aku cam tak caya bole terperosok kat tangga ke-7 liga. Nak buat cmane...terpaksa la penyokong tegar Liverpool terus menyandarkan pada kenangan manis mereka. Aku ada bgtau yg Spurs ble jd the dark horse utk season ni and it came true! Cuma prediction aku ttg Liverpool & Man City 4th place tug of war jer salah. Rupanya..... 4 teams yg fighting for 4th place with Man City leading the way, followed by Spurs, Villa & surprisingly Liverpool trailing.
Knape aku ckp season ni just an average season? Coz MU this season are NOT STRONG. So when other teams pon susah nak beat us... Paham2 sendiri ar la yek. So...utk x membosankan korg...here are my review to the BPL teams and their finishing:
1. Chelsea
Early in the season Ancelotti dgn bangganya berkata,"Eden akan main formasi 4-1-2-1-2 or lebih dikenali dgn 4-4-2 diamond. Kompem meletop punyo! Tak cayo? Suka ati ko lah jang!". Bile smpai tgh season and setelah kekalahan di tangan former Chelsea boss, Mourinho's Inter, Ancelotti telah menukar formasinya ke 4-1-2-3. Dan semenjak itulah Chelsea telah berkenduri gol tak hengat!.
Sememangnya kekalahan dgn Inter memberi the perfect wake-up call utk Chelsea. Tp harus diingat, aku benci Chelsea season ni. Why? Not bcoz they won the title, not MU. But bcoz of their unbelieveable 'luck' at either end of the half. Dari handball barbakul Terry yg Ref 'tak' nampak hinggalah ke offsides yg ntah ar..tak larat aku nak komen.
Player of the season: Frank Lampard.
2. Manchester United
Aku predict Rooney to fill up gap left by Ron & Tevez. And boy...how he did it! Not only that he fill up the gap left by them...but Manchester United dah mcm too dependant to Rooney. Like Gerrard & Torres for Liverpool. Thats why when Rooney got injured during Bayern away game, Manchester United fails to cope without him.
Only then baru ar Nani step up his game. He start to show why Fergie keep him during January transfer window eventho a lot of clubs interested with him. Valencia pon got a decent season. In the end of the 1st half of the season, MU seems too dependant to Valencia to start the attack until almost all teams know MU tactics. Evra got a fantastic season as well. Evra are theplayer with most goal assist from a defender in this season. Kudos to him.
Manchester United lost the title race in April. With unfortunate lost to Bayern, couple with unfair lost to Chelsea at Old Trafford and drawing against Blackburn. Manchester United lost the league leads to Chelsea. Another problem that Manchester United face are the 7 game that we lost. Burnley, Liverpool, Chelsea (twice), Villa (home!), Fulham & Everton shows that team that lost 7 times NEVER won the league.
Player of the season: Rooney.
Other team? Tak larat aku nak komen.
Aku ada bgtau yg let the best team win but unfortunately not the best team win. Period.
With World Cup just around the corner, Aku akan preview World Cup plak...tgk prediction aku menjadi lagi tak. If betul lagi...ble ar aku jd football pundit pas ni...wakaka...
Until then... Glory Glory!
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