So...for the new season, sape plak yg aku rasa ble menang title season ni? Tahun ni tanpa segan silu aku mengatakan yg MU akan merampas kembali title champion dari Chelsea. Bukan sebab aku penyokong tegar MU, tp dari data2 yg aku kumpul dan ramalan pak belalang bgtau kat aku semalam, tahun ni...mmg tahun MU..
Basically, in order to win the BPL, you have to:
1. Win your game against top 5 team last season i,e Chelsea, MU, Arsenal, Spurs & Man City. Oklah...aku masukkan gak Liverpool. Karang majuk plak fan the Kop nih.
2. Win all your home game and try not to lose at away game.
3. Win your game against team2 lauk. If team ko draw or worst..lost again ko mmg cari masalah ar.
4. Finally....Your team kena hit top form when the last 10 game arrive. This will determine your team position in the end of the season.
Tanpa melengahkan masa dan mengeringkan idea aku nak tulis apa, kat bawah ni adalah list of the team yg aku rasa akan duduk di top 5 liga BPL starting with:
Knape MU ble menang season nih? Tahun ni MU wont rely on Rooney sorg jer. Berbatov is BACK to his top form! Couple plak dgn budak baru 'cicakrito' Hernandez yg laju yg amat, MU will have no issue dgn their firepower. Macheda will play his role gak. Dah tentu mamat nih nak break the order of the striker kat MU.
Cuma kerisauan aku terletak di bhgn tengah. MU midfield are not compact as before.
Last season saw that when Carrick off form, Fletcher terkial2 nak cover the engine room. Without any new signing kat department ni...aku risau MU punya engine room akan kena ganyang dgn Essien, Meireles & Modric.
Lagipun...sampai bile MU nak rely pd Giggsy & Scholesy? Aku cuma harap Hargreaves & Anderson will be back & hit their top form when the time come.
Other dept, no worries. Semua ader cover.
Finishing position: 1st. MU will entertain Liverpool at Anfield, Arsenal at Emirates and of course possible title decider (again) Chelsea at Old Trafford in the last 10 games.
Other dept, no worries. Semua ader cover.
Finishing position: 1st. MU will entertain Liverpool at Anfield, Arsenal at Emirates and of course possible title decider (again) Chelsea at Old Trafford in the last 10 games.
Mcm susah, kan?
By March..we will know who will be in the running for the title contenders.
So ade possibility yg some of the team aku mention mungkin tgh on form or maybe off form. Korang mesti ingat gak yg on top of the schedule for BPL, diorg ni may still in the running for UCL games gak (or Euro Cup utk Liver).
So since Fergie dah faham bebenor mcmane nak shuffle his first 11, aku tak risau sgt pasal MU player. Cuma yg aku risau kalo ader yg injured i.e. VD Sar, Rooney, Vidic & Fletcher. If injured, ada possibility yg MU tak menang the title.

Aper chance Chelsea tahun ni? If tgk dari 3 games baru2 ni, superb gile gayanya. Tp sampai bile? Harus di ingat Chelsea mempunyai ramai player yg berumur 30 tahun ke atas and most of them are the 1st eleven. Semuanya bergantung kepada...

Yes... Michael Essien.
If Essien perform and ader main, Chelsea will be superb. But if Essien, xder... Chelsea will be toothless in the middle in the park.
If korg perasan ar... Chelsea jarang concede gol sbb Essien dah bulldoze playmaker team lawan and bile dia dah buat mcm lwn mmg payah ar nak supply bola ke goalscorer diorg.
Finishing position: 2nd. Chelsea punya last 10 games not as difficult as Liverpool but still Chelsea is an ageing team. Dgn Ramires, yahudi Benayoun jer diorg signing. Its very difficult to see Chelsea to win the league again this season. Chelsea will play against Man City, Spurs & MU in the last 10 games.

The young team are getting older and more mature. Aku tak tau Fabregas akan dpt mengekalkan rekod superbnya spt season sblmnya due to nak pindah ke Barca punya pasal. Tp Arsenal ader sorg yg ble ade chance utk score more than 15 goal per season. He is.... signing Marouane Chamakh. Mamat ni will be the new Fernando Torres of BPL. Arsenal will depend on him, Walcott, Arshavin and of coz...RV Persie. Will they be consistent? Its hard to know. Sbb defensive line a totally new line up: Vermaelen, Koscielny & Squillaci. Will they form a good unit? Susah aku nak analyze.
Finishing position: 3rd. Arsenal have the best last 10 games schedule. They will only have Liverpool & MU jer in the last 10 games. So its all up to the consistency of the team. Ader possibility utk pintas Chelsea if they consistence.

Spurs will struggle this season.
They will struggle to maintain a good performance for BPL and of coz UCL as well. If they silap strategize for each game, they will not finish top 5 in the league. With VD Vaart jer signing yg menarik, Spurs will rely on Defoe, Modric, Bale & Beanpole Crouch.
Its difficult to see them push for the title.
Finishing position: 5th. Spurs last 10 games consist of Man City at City Stadium, Chelsea at Stamford Bridge & Liverpool at Anfield. So as I say...Spurs will be struggling this season. If they consistence, they will be a force to be reckon with. But I doubt that...

Real Madrid of BPL. Tp tak main mcm Real Madrid. The best signing this season is David Silva, Milner & Super Mario Balotelli.
Psl player...Man City tak payah risau la. The main concern will be whether Mancini can form a top 1st eleven in order to be title contender.
So far Man City dah kalahkan Liverpool & draw dgn Spurs which mean they have a good record so far. Tp bole kalah plak dgn Sunderland.
So as I say on top of this post, in order to win the league, u need to manage the 4 items mention first. This is where Man City blm ready to charge for the title.
Finishing position: 4th. Ader possibility utk capture 3rd place if they perform against the top 6. The last 10 games plak they have Chelsea away at Stamford Bridge, Liverpool at Anfield & Spurs at home. So if the player are focus and Mancini manage to keep his player happy, Man City will get the 3rd or 4th position.

New manager means time to settle in. Liverpool will struggle for the 1st half of the season. Hodgson will analyze who will be his 1st eleven.
By then, maybe Liverpool dah jauh ketinggalan dlm persaingan liga. They will again depends on Torres & Gerrard. But the difference this time is Liver dah ader good midfield in the form of Raul Meireles & Poulsen.
Liverpool will be base on the two midfielder and the rest of the offensive? Just like how he play Fulham last time.
Liverpool will be base on the two midfielder and the rest of the offensive? Just like how he play Fulham last time.
Finishing position: 6th. Liver will face MU & Man City at home, Arsenal at Emirates & Spurs at home in their last 10 games. It will be hard to see Liverpool to push for the title this season. Next season maybe?
Ok...thats my view on the top 6. Any dark horse to rattle the top 6 this season? Everton, Fulham & Aston Villa come into the picture. Tp since two of the team having new manager, it will be hard to see any dark horse that can upset any of the top 6.
By Jan 11, aku akan update my prediction. By that time I hope we will have amore clearer picture on who will win the BPL title this season. Until then...enjoy the games!
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