In afew minute, our national team football will be facing the Indon team beserta dgn lebih jutaan pemyokong fanatik mereka. Aku doakan semua player akan concentrate dlm game dan terhindar dr sbrg keganasan penyokong indon.
Aku positif Msia ble menang. Cuma mlm ni, scorenya kita either kalah 1-0 or seri 1-1.
Aku akan post ttg game kat bkt jalil after the game. For the time being, COME ON MALAYSIA!!!!
First & foremost, aku nak panjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Ilahi kerana mengurniakan aku isteri yg gorgeous, best etc. dan anak yg sempurna sifatnya.
Now aku nak cerita....
Its pretty obvious that anak aku ni Alhamdulillah comel yg amat. Boleh kata mana jer pegi, ramai jer yg memujinya. Kekadang aku takut gak bile semua org puji, takut ader yg berkenan ngan anak aku ni, terus bwk larik. X ke naya aku ngan Erma nnti.
Ayah aku ader ckp, if dulu time aku kecik..... semua berkenan kat aku, sampaikan kalo ayah ader kije kat KK & tido kat hotel, owner hotel tu siap bagi cekelat 2 bar kat aku. Pegang ler aku kiri kanan tgn aku. So skrg ni, ayah aku ckp...Ayra plak mcm tu utk aku.
Disebabkan kecomelan Ayra & keramahannya yg senang nak dgn semua org, ramai yg berkenan nak tlg jagakan. If ramai yg berkenan nak tlg jagakan anak aku ni, korg bayangkan ler mak bapak aku ngan mak bapak Erma plak....siap suruh hantar balik kg. Diorg nak tlg jagakan. Mak bapak aku tu mmg lah, sbb tinggal diorg berdua jer kat kg, ler cucu sulung & the only cucu yg diorg ader, pantang aku tepon jer....mesti tanye biler nak blk. Especially atuknya...Begitu jugakler mak bapak Erma...Padahal dah ader 3 cucu. But of coz la...Ayra is the only princess among the 3. Yg lagi 2 are boys.... so mungkin lain kot nak compare girls & boys.
The only thing that 'save' Ayra dari dikidnap opah/mak wan/atuks nya adalah Ayra is breastfeeding. So alasan kukuh di situ. If Ayra isap susu tepung, aku ngan Erma mungkin dah xder alasan lain kot. Tp itu utk skrg ni lah coz sooner or later, Ayra akan berenti breastfeeding & start isap susu tepung fulltime plak. So bile tibe time tuh....aku dah xder alasan dah...
As tajuk post ni, it is a dilemma but a good one. Hope when the time come I can come up with a good excuse coz kalo org lain beriya2 nak jaga anak aku, apatah laig aku sebagai ayahnya....
"Ape main video game ni, bknnya best pon!", aku masih ingat time kecik2 dulu. Masa tu tahun 1990an rasanya. Ayah belikan aku game mcm kat bwh ni....masa ni ler aku start giler main game. Tp bkn aku jer...mak aku & ayah aku pon sama gak. Hehe...
Bagus gak ada video game ni, bole merapatkan hubungan kekeluargaan selain mengisi masa lapang. Aku nak cite pasal video game ni bkn apa....apa yg ader time aku kecik dulu, tgh evolve to not only as a video game, it will shape the future for all activity in house. X caya?
Before that, biar aku tunjukkan evolution video game. Kat atas ni, video game tahun 1990an using cartridge. Then...
pakai floppy disk plak...then came the biggest evolution:
Sony introduce Playstation using compact disc (CD) plak. Maka another evolution pon bermula..
Playstation 1
Playstation 2: Introducing digital video disc (DVD)
Then another evolution plak, but this time come from the video game pioneer, Nintendo when they introduce Nintendo Wii
Nintendo Wii
Mcmane nak main? Tgk ler trailer ni
Nintendo bkn je buat big evolution in video game, but simplify & make video game as an exercise tool for those yg xder masa nak jogging or other exercise xtvt.
Then...Microsoft yg nmpk video game have a lot of potential & dont want miss the boat pun introduce their own video game console. They call it
X Box
Kelebihan x box ni, dia ble main game online & multiplayer. Playstation 2 pon ble, but mcm membazir jer coz LAG. X box run more smooth.
X puas ati tgk X box & also nak upgrade their video game platform, Sony introduce Playstation 3 plak....
Playstation 3
PS3 have all Xbox have and more. PS3 run on bluray DVD. Gmbr mmg smooth & real.
Tp, org ramai still prefer Wii coz of the way to play the game. Xbox & PS all using controller/joystick or batang ria (nak tulis gak...huhu), while Wii using nunchuck which more appealing.
So in order to improve its PS3 sales....Sony pon introduce Playstation Move. Which will replace the joystick & similar to Wii nunchuck. Tak caya? tgk ni...
Interesting, kan? Nmpk tak how the video game has evolve. Dari stakat main game jer, it has become an exercise tool jugak.
Then ada lagi ker? Of coz...
Microsoft with the fail attempt to capture the video game fanatic with their Xbox has introduce Xbox 360 almost at the same time with PS3
XBox 360
Mcm sama jer, kan? During the introduction of XBox 360, its rival PS3 very well. Tp mcm aku ckp, ppl are more interested with Wii. So after Sony introduce the Move, Microsoft introduce...
Yup! The name is Kinect (macam kimak plak...huhu) Mcmane function dia? Mcm Wii & Move punya receiver yg detect pergerakan nunchuck tp...Kinect dont detect nunchuck coz Xbox 360 Kinect dont use any controller. You become the controller. X caya? Tgk ni...
This will be the future of video game...
Pas ni semua xtvt ble buat dpn tv with Kinect. Aku mmg teruja abis dgn Kinect. Kinect baru jer release so it will be really really awesome gadget to have. all yg baik tentu ader x baiknya. Yg x baiknya menatang ni, it will make your child x bercampur dgn org. Mcm skrg ni. Mane dah ada bebudak main konda kondi, galah panjang, ketuk ayam & the rest permainan bebudak....They will find friend of coz, tp cuma kwn kat skolah jer...
Pros and cons come in every thing. So depend lah mcmane korg nak adapt to it. Yg penting, aku nak beli Kinect!
Bertempat di PWTC, dari 3-12 Disember 2010 berlangsungnya KLIMS or KL International Motor Show. Last skali buat KLIMS was 2006 kot. Entrance fee masa tuh was RM10. Aku pegi dua kali time tuh.
Aku pegi on the 5th Dec 2010. Bajet memula ramai yg nak pegi, but bile time nak pegi jer...tinggal 3 org jer. Dulu lain....pantang ajak..jom je. Skrg...memasing dah ader komitmen lain.
Erma & Ayra? Erma x nak pegi coz she dont like car show. Beli kereta, dia nak. Ayra? Since mummy dia x pegi, buat apa aku nak bwk Ayra? If Ayra dah besar...maybe la kot. Lagipon, pameran mcm ni...kesian kat baby jer kalo bwk (ceh...) coz with the crowd yg ramai cam naik bas mini, x sesuai rasanya bwk anak.
This time the entrance fee is kinda expensive - RM20. Tp sbb dah minat keta and bkn tiap2 tahun ader benda ni, so...blasah jer la. So below is a few gmbr yg aku snap:
Aku rasa dlm semua booth yg aku pergi, Proton has the biggest booth of them all. Yelah, sempena 25th anniversary, Proton nak showcase their latest design as well as concept car for the future.
Proton Tuah (?) or Persona Replacement -This will be the car that going to replace the current Persona. Design - nice. Tp aku tak sure about powertrain, coz this car will be using either the current CamPro CPS or the new upgrade CamPro. Target launce - Early 2012.
Saga BLM Facelift or Kasturi
Lotus Esprit
Inspira Evolution
- Perodua pon showcasing their concept car call Bezza. Its a nice car (kereta, ok?) from the way it look. But don't know when they going to produce it.
MYVI Replacement
- This will be the Myvi replacement which going to be launch next year.
Chevrolet Camaro a.k.a Bumblebee in Transformers
then it bertukar!!
Actually not. Both are totally different place and car. Bumblebee are standing at the end of hall 2 while the car CAMARO is at the entrance of the same hall. Best jugak kalo kereta bole transform kat situ...huhu
My dream car - Hyundai Sonata - X tau kenapa, tapi since model ni launch, hati aku dah terpaut ar beb! Sporty, large interior and the price RM136k for 2.0l....totally worth it if you exclude the maintainence cost etc. of coz.
The Batmobile
The Batpod
Mitsubishi PX-MiEV
Mitsubishi I-Miev
Toyota concept car - FT-HS
- Jgn tanye aper maksudnya. Masa ni aku tgh sebok nak amik gmbr seseorg.
Honda new Hybrid car - Insight
-The cheapest hybrid car for the time being RM96k otr.
Aku ader bgtau yg time smpai kat final hall, which showcase Toyota & Honda cars, aku sebok nak amik gmbr seseorg, right? Aku sebenarnya sebok nak amik gmbr....
Julie Woon.
Apparently she is the mc for Honda booth. To tell all of you the truth, aku mmg dtg KLIMS nak tgk keta, not chick. Chick to me is just....side dishes la. Bkn mcm sesetgh org yg pegi GT race or KLIMS or any motorshow to take the chick photo and then baru tgk keta. Puas gak la aku tgk chick2 kat situ, tp xder yg menarik pon. So to see Julie Woon as one of the chick kire cukuplah kot. Rupanya kecik jer minah ni.
Verdict: For RM20 entrance fee for weekend and public holidays, its kinda not worth it. Furthermore, comparing to 2006 KLIMS, definitely the previous topping this year KLIMS. And another note - It is an International Motor Show. Not Proton or Perodua motorshow. Kinda dissapointed with the car line up from Chevrolet, Hyundai, Toyota & Honda except for Mitsubishi which showcasing their hybrid model.
P/s: Thanks to Erma coz bagi can aku pegi ngan kgkwn aku. Bkn senang nak dpt wife yg bg can g tgk motorshow yg penoh dgn chicks! huhu... I think she knows Im not that kinda person. Thanks yang!