"Ape main video game ni, bknnya best pon!", aku masih ingat time kecik2 dulu. Masa tu tahun 1990an rasanya. Ayah belikan aku game mcm kat bwh ni....masa ni ler aku start giler main game. Tp bkn aku jer...mak aku & ayah aku pon sama gak. Hehe...

Bagus gak ada video game ni, bole merapatkan hubungan kekeluargaan selain mengisi masa lapang. Aku nak cite pasal video game ni bkn apa....apa yg ader time aku kecik dulu, tgh evolve to not only as a video game, it will shape the future for all activity in house. X caya?
Before that, biar aku tunjukkan evolution video game. Kat atas ni, video game tahun 1990an using cartridge. Then...
pakai floppy disk plak...then came the biggest evolution:
Sony introduce Playstation using compact disc (CD) plak. Maka another evolution pon bermula..

Playstation 3
PS3 have all Xbox have and more. PS3 run on bluray DVD. Gmbr mmg smooth & real.
Tp, org ramai still prefer Wii coz of the way to play the game. Xbox & PS all using controller/joystick or batang ria (nak tulis gak...huhu), while Wii using nunchuck which more appealing.
So in order to improve its PS3 sales....Sony pon introduce Playstation Move. Which will replace the joystick & similar to Wii nunchuck. Tak caya? tgk ni...
Interesting, kan? Nmpk tak how the video game has evolve. Dari stakat main game jer, it has become an exercise tool jugak.
Then ada lagi ker? Of coz...
Microsoft with the fail attempt to capture the video game fanatic with their Xbox has introduce Xbox 360 almost at the same time with PS3

XBox 360
Mcm sama jer, kan? During the introduction of XBox 360, its rival PS3 very well. Tp mcm aku ckp, ppl are more interested with Wii. So after Sony introduce the Move, Microsoft introduce...
Yup! The name is Kinect (macam kimak plak...huhu) Mcmane function dia? Mcm Wii & Move punya receiver yg detect pergerakan nunchuck tp...Kinect dont detect nunchuck coz Xbox 360 Kinect dont use any controller. You become the controller. X caya? Tgk ni...
This will be the future of video game...
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