Kedua-dua liga di Spain & England dah ditentukan siapa juaranya dgn Barcelona menjadi juara buat kali ketiga berturut2 dgn berbaki 2 perlawanan. Manakala d England, MU kembali merampas takhta liga dari Chelsea dgn kali ini lebih istimewa sbb kali ini adalah kali ke 19 MU bergelar juara dan menjadi kelab terhebat dalam sejarah liga perdana Inggeris kerana memecahkan rekod Liverpool sebyk 18 kali menjadi juara liga.
Enough about both club achievement so far in their domestic league. Skrg kite crita psl liga juara juara eropah or Uefa Champions League (UCL) di mana kedua2 kelab bakal bertembung di peringkat akhir pada 28 May 2011 nnti.
Atas kertas ke atas pape pon, Barcelona mmg favourite utk menang UCL ni. Even aku kalo crita pd awal season, aku pon mmg ckp Barcelona mmg bole menang menang la UCL tahun ni. Tp skrg... Aku brani ckp yg MU ble menang game ni. Mind u guys that setiap kali aku buat prediction, about 90% betul. And i predict base on fact...ok..
1st & foremost.... 1st XI

Basically both team will play their best XI. Kita dah tau that SAF will play Park & Valencia in all his important games. So he will not change that. While Barca mmg akan main mcm biasa diorg main. Mcmane MU nak menang game ni? Alangkan Mourinho's les merengues pon kalah 4/6 el classico, mcmane MU nak menang, kan?
Well...... Here's how.
1. Bring the game to Barca.
Mcm lwn Chelsea. Get the 1st goal. Sapa dpt 1st goal will rule the game. Yeah...mmg betul MU pakai taktik yg sama time 2008/09 UCL final. Tp backfired. Tp this time will be different. This team will not repeat the same mistake again.
2. Null Dani Alves.
Evra & Park will contain both Dani Alves & Pedro. Dpt contain diorg ni, dpt halang Barca punya attacking side.
3. Contain Xavi & Iniesta.
This is why Park will play instead of Nani. Park with his extra lung will help Carrick & Giggs to mark Xavi & Iniesta.
Mesti korg tanye mcmane plak dgn Messi... Well he is totally on a different plane. The only way to stop Messi is to stop any ball from getting to him.
In the UCL final 2008/09, MU did not play as they normally play. So they & I are hoping the real MU will show up this time. Beside... Kita kan ada Rooney & Hernandez....
Final result: MU 2 - 1 Barcelona.
posted from Bloggeroid
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