Monday, August 13, 2012

5th Wedding Anniversary

My dear Erma.. Happy 5th anniversary! Thanks for being there for me through up & downs, suka duka, pahit manis for the past 5 years. I know that i'm not perfect, but with you beside me... I can change the world. Moga ikatan cinta kita kekal ke akhir hayat. I bebiu.

Here, I present to u my small project..

Watch "Mozehan & Erma 5th wedding anniversary" on YouTube

1 comment:

Dewajiwa said...

salam. Selamat Anniversary ye.
bro, nak tanya pasal buku lagenda numerius bleh? kat mana last beli buku tu ye? kalau bleh tolong, email me kat ye. timekasih banyak in advance. Selamat Hari Raya juga.