Friday, October 29, 2010

Ayra dan kekazennya

Weekend yg lepas, aku blk JB sebab nak hantar mak ngah aku g Haji. Dia dan suaminya bertolak ke tanah suci pagi Sabtu.

Ptgnya, aku bwk ler Erma & Ayra g ke rumah Bitah - adik Erma d pasir gudang. If ikut plan awalnya, aku ngan Pijal - suami Bitah, nak g tgk game Johor FC vs. Negeri Sembilan. Tiket mmg dah ader. Kalo kat JB, stakat nak dpt tiket free...InsyaAllah ble dpt. Tp mungkin disebabkan jerebu yg melanda negeri Johor mcm makin teruk, Allah turunkan hujan yg lebat tghari tuh hingga ke petang.

Aku...kalo lom ader anak...or nak tgk game kat Stadium Shah Alam or Bukit Jalil ker...stakat ujan, sanggup jer aku redah. Tp mengenangkan aku kat JB, ader anak bini & nak jalan jauh esoknya, malas ar aku g stadium. Baik tgk kat umah...ader gak live.

Esoknya... Ayra yg mmg asal pkl 7 jer...automatik jer bgn...pun bgn ar mcm kebiasaannya. Sebok nak main itu main ini. Almaklum ar...umah Pijal ni luas. So puas ar dia nak main. If kat umah aku...mane ader ruang dia nak main sgt.

Bile kazennya, Dek Nor bgn...elok lah diorg main sesama....

Ayra bab amik gmbr dgn ayahnya mmg akan senyum..Jangkit plak kat kazennya

Ni satu perangai Ayra yg aku rasa mcm ikut aku. Suka nak amik menan org. Padahal kat dia lg byk ader....
Ayra der lagi sorg kazen....Dek Ros. Tp Dek Ros kecik lagi, baru 4 bln lebih..So if Dek Ros ader time Ayra & Dek Nor ader...lauk lah Dek Ros diorg kerjakan. Maklumlah...Ayra & Dek Nor dah nak masuk setahun. Mane aci tak?
Korg tertanye ker ngape aku panggil kekazen Ayra ni Dek ni...Dek tu... Ko kena tanya Erma. Dia yg come up with the names. Actually nama Dek Ros is Cyrus Dzulkarnain & Dek Nor is Nor Ilham. So u should know where the Ros & Nor come from 'eh?
Gmbr Dek Ros unfortunetely aku xder. Tp ibunya berlambak ngan gmbrnya. Klik jer kat Cik Puan Mira punya blog kat tepi blog aku ni....

Khas Buat Ayah...


Hai Ayah...

Ayah tgh watpe?

Main game ker eh? Mcm bkn jer...Ayah men pesbuk eh....
Buat tak layan plak...Org dah kat kaki kosi dia dah ni...Ishh
Org nak tgk upin ipin ar...
Ayah bukak ler Upin Ipin!!
Ha... Ayah amik pon Ayra....
Apsal x bukak Upin Ipin lagi ni?!

Itulah kejadian sebenar mcmane muka aku ble ade scar mcm kat gambar atas ni... Tolonglah percaya. Tak larat aku nak bgtau. Kalo tipu pon bkn dpt aper pon beb!

If Erma nak buat pape kat aku, aku brani ckp yg 'kesan' dia bukan mcm ni. Lagipon aku mesti bragging dgn bangganye la if Erma yg buat scar nih!

Sakit seh masa Ayra cakar muka aku. Memula tu ok jer...mmg dia ade cakar muka xder la geram sgt smpai tahap picit pipi aku and then cakar dgn penuh emosinya.

X pasal2 tgn Ayra kena tampar dgn aku...apa lagi, nangis sambil mulut ngange dgn besarnnya la...Nnti aku upload gmbr budak tomei ni time nangis...Drama princess sungguh!

Ish...sakit lagi ni time mandi...isk...

Nasib baik la ko anak ayah, Ayra. If org lain....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dahsyatnya Neraka Jahannam

Yazid Arraqqasyi dari Anas bin Malik ra. berkata: Jibrail datang kepada Nabi saw pada waktu yg ia tidak
biasa datang dalam keadaan berubah mukanya,

maka ditanya oleh nabi s.a.w.: 'Mengapa aku melihat kau berubah muka?'

Jawabnya: 'Ya Muhammad, aku datang kepadamu di saat Allah menyuruh supaya dikobarkan penyalaan api neraka, maka tidak layak bagi orang yg mengetahui bahawa neraka Jahannam itu benar, dan siksa kubur itu benar, dan
siksa Allah itu terbesar untuk bersuka-suka sebelum ia merasa
aman dari padanya.'

Lalu nabi s.a..w. bersabda: 'Ya Jibrail, jelaskan padaku sifat

Jawabnya: 'Ya. Ketika Allah menjadikan Jahannam, maka dinyalakan selama seribu tahun, sehingga merah,
kemudian dilanjutkan seribu tahun sehingga putih, kemudian seribu tahun sehingga hitam, maka ia hitam
gelap, tidak pernah padam nyala dan baranya. Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan terbuka
sebesar lubang jarum nescaya akan dapat membakar penduduk dunia semuanya kerana panasnya.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan satu baju ahli neraka itu digantung di antara langit dan
bumi nescaya akan mati penduduk bumi kerana panas dan basinya.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan satu pergelangan dari rantai yg disebut dalam Al-Quran
itu diletakkan di atas bukit, nescaya akan cair sampai ke bawah
bumi yg ke tujuh.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan seorang di hujung barat tersiksa, nescaya akan terbakar
orang-orang yang di hujung timur kerana sangat panasnya, Jahannam itu sangat dalam dan perhiasannya besi
dan minumannya air panas campur nanah dan pakaiannya potongan-potongan api.

Api neraka itu ada tujuh pintu, tiap-tiap pintu ada bahagiannya yang tertentu dari orang laki-laki dan

Nabi s.a.w. bertanya: 'Apakah pintu-pintunya bagaikan pintu-pintu rumah kami?'

Jawabnya: 'Tidak, tetapi selalu terbuka, setengahnya di
bawah dari lainnya, dari pintu ke pintu jarak perjalanan 70,000 tahun, tiap pintu lebih panas dari yang
lain 70 kali ganda.' (nota kefahaman: iaitu yg lebih bawah lebih panas)

Tanya Rasulullah s.a.w.: 'Siapakah penduduk masing-masing pintu?'
Jawab Jibrail:
'Pintu yg terbawah untuk orang-orang munafik, dan orang-orang yg kafir setelah diturunkan hidangan mukjizat
nabi Isa a.s.. serta keluarga Fir'aun sedang namanya Al-Hawiyah.
Pintu kedua tempat orang-orang musyrikin bernama Jahim,

Pintu ketiga tempat orang shobi'in bernama Saqar.

Pintu ke empat tempat Iblis dan pengikutnya dari kaum majusi bernama Ladha,

Pintu kelima orang yahudi bernama Huthomah.

Pintu ke enam tempat orang nasara bernama Sa'eir.'

Kemudian Jibrail diam segan pada Rasulullah s.a.w.. sehingga ditanya: 'Mengapa tidak kau terangkan penduduk
pintu ke tujuh?'

Jawabnya: 'Di dalamnya orang-orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu yg sampai mati belum sempat bertaubat.'

Maka nabi s.a.w. jatuh pingsan ketika mendengar keterangan itu, sehingga Jibrail meletakkan kepala nabi
s.a.w. di pangkuannya sehingga sedar kembali dan

sesudah sadar nabi saw bersabda: 'Ya Jibrail, sungguh besar kerisauanku dan sangat sedihku, apakah ada
seorang dari ummat ku yang akan masuk ke dalam neraka?'

Jawabnya: 'Ya, iaitu orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu.'

Kemudian nabi s.a.w. menangis, Jibrail juga menangis, kemudian nabi s.a..w. masuk ke dalam rumahnya dan
tidak keluar kecuali untuk sembahyang kemudian kembali dan tidak berbicara dengan orang dan bila sembahyang

selalu menangis dan minta kepada Allah.(dipetik dari kitab 'Peringatan Bagi Yg Lalai')

Dari Hadith Qudsi: Bagaimana kamu masih boleh melakukan maksiat sedangkan kamu tak dapat bertahan dengan
panasnya terik matahari Ku.

Tahukah kamu bahawa neraka jahanamKu itu:

1. Neraka Jahanam itu mempunyai 7 tingkat

2. Setiap tingkat mempunyai 70,000 daerah

3. Setiap daerah mempunyai 70,000 kampung

4. Setiap kampung mempunyai 70,000 rumah

5. Setiap rumah mempunyai 70,000 bilik

6. Setiap bilik mempunyai 70,000 kotak

7. Setiap kotak mempunyai 70,000 batang pokok zarqum

8. Di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai 70,000 ekor

9. Di dalam mulut setiap ular yang panjang 70 hasta
mengandungi lautan racun yang hitam pekat.

10. Juga di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai
70,000 rantai

11. Setiap rantai diseret oleh 70,000 malaikat

Mudah-mudahan ini dapat menimbulkan keinsafan kepada kita semua......Wallahua'lam

The Fall: 2nd book of The Strain Trilogy review

I've bought the book on 24th Sept 2010. A few days after the worldwide release on 21st Sept 2010. It takes me a few days to finish the book. So how was it compare to the 1st book? Here is the review:

The Fall start from where The Strain left off. After Eph upload the video of 1 of the vampire and what they do onto the internet, it seems like most of the viewers are more sceptical rather to be scared of what they bare witness. So basically nothing changes eventhough trouble are brewing in the New York City.

The Master manage to escape from being killed by Prof Setrakian, Goodweather & Fet in the ray of dawnlight (surprisingly). However his human body has start to fail him. So in Gabriel Bolivar; his first few pioneer, who now become The Master most trusted ally who he will move his soul into him.

Setrakian, Eph, Nora, Fet & Zack need to find way how to stop the vampires from moving from the island of New York City to the mainland (Vampire cannot move on water from 1 plain to another i.e. crossing a river) and they need to find it fast as most of the new yorkers are no longer human anymore.

Another character: Augustin Elizalde @ Gus was being 'approach' by the others: The Ancient who are getting piss off with what The Master has done so far. The Ancient have requested Gus to be their daylight hunter in order to stop the madness from spreading throughout the world. With their endless power and wealth, they will assist Gus to stop the madness. Gus with his new found confidence couple with his grudge to what had happen to his mom, has manage to unite all the gangsters downtown by giving them what they know best: opportunity to kill as well as get whatever that they capture.

All of them finally come together to stop all the vampires before the vampires reach the mainland. Unfortunetely, the Master are not that dumb...

With the help of his slave: Eldritch Palmer, the Master manage to use him to gain control of New York through Palmer's endless wealth by activating the Nuclear Power plant for 1 main purpose. To start the Night Eternal. Not only that, the first incident that created all this, happen again at all major airport around the world; Heathrow, Narita, Munich etc. serving as a sign that the Master have manage to spread his alligience throughout the world.

So how actually to kill the Master, after all known ways to kill a vampire has fail? This is where Occido Lumen: an ancient book that tell where the Master as well as all the Ancients came from, thus telling how to kill the Master. Only that the book came with a very...very high price.

The Fall ends when all the nuclear reactor in the world explodes sending clouds of dusts into the air making the sun no longer able to penetrate through the clouds of dust thus the world no longer see daylight - a perfect epilogue for the third book: The Night Eternal.

The Review: Worth every penny that I spent to buy the book. Eventhough the plot are no longer as fast as the first book, the storyline as well as the prologue in betweenn the story to clarify where the two main character came from; The Master and Prof Abraham Setrakian. Unfortunetely, one of them have to die in the 2nd book making the final book more unbearable to wait for.

I've give 5 out 5 just like the 1st book.

Just my 2 cent.

Enjoy reading the book!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

But he's not...for now


MU & Rooney buat drama swasta ker? Ke nak jd cam WWE? Adoi!

Its kinda hard for me... a diehard MU fan to accept this kinda attitude. For me..he's already gone when he say he want to leave MU.

But to make a complete U-turn now with reason of regret on what he want to do? Who does he think? Eric Cantona? Gua rasa dia blah lagi bagus la. Memporak perandakan team jer. I do not know whether Vidic, Fletcher & Evra when being interviewed right after the win against Bursaspor 'acting' when they say that they are not happy with the way Rooney treat MU. But if its true, then Rooney have an uphill task to win back not only the fan (like me) but his own team mates.

Whatever it is, it does ruin my week....


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

He's leaving...

I did write a post saying that he is the best player in the world. But now.. It seems like he might be the best player in the world for another team.. Not Manchester United.

Yea.. Im talking about Wayne Rooney.

Fergie.. In his most open statement about Rooney, say that Rooney wont sign the new contract which make him the highest paid player in United history & be a United player for life. And to complicate the matter, this issue has been drag from last year- to be more precise-after the Bayern game in Old Trafford.

So.. It is not a good story at all for us MU fans. Not only that, MU now are facing possibility of becoming an average team compare to Chelsea & Man City if the matter getting out of hand.

I believe the current team know what happening & Fergie will use his vase experience to make sure United wont falter as United is not a 1 player team.. United are a the team.

With or without Rooney, United still can survive the big 4. Only that, it will be more harder to win back the title.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

testing.. Testing

Try to blog with my phone.

If successfull, aku ble ar blog dr phone n laptop.

Lgpun, dah lama aku x berblogging.

Aku suka tulis blog, tp skrg ni mcm x sempat je semuanya..

Kena blaja to micro manage my life gamaknya. Ni baru ada sorg princess, mcmane bile dah ber4 or ber5? So kenalah start dr skrg..