Friday, July 02, 2010

Pakatan X


Jgn ingat ada pakatan pembangkang dgn kerajaan jer. Skrg ni ada lagi satu pakatan - pakatan x2 GF aku try to haunt back my life.

Aku rasa aku takder la byk sgt GF dolu2..... aku rasa la. & most of the relationship aku ble proudly say that they broke up with me not the other way around. Eh...wait a minute, aku tak proud becoz of they broke up with me. Im proud becoz Im not the 1 who ruin the relationship. & of coz...bile everything not going well with their 'so call new found love', baru lar terhegeh2 nak kat aku blk..& of coz...there's no way Im going back to either of them. Those yg aku mintak break up plak, most of them langsung tak kaco aku dah (for the time being) except xGF yg terakhir before aku kawen.

If korg ader bace blog Erma, confirm korg dah tau aper yg terjadi. & of coz...Erma deserve to be mad...coz she's my wife. Bini mana yg tak panas hati bile ader pempuan lain nak ngatal dgn laki dia. Padahal...laki dia maintain jer Dandan Setia which sememangnya Erma tau.

Bukan nak masuk bakul angkat sendiri ke apa, time bujang dulu...I mean sblm nak settle down, of coz ar ramai 'kwn pompuan' aku. Time tuh mmg ar aku tak setia coz aku blm nak settle down. Then bile 'dah smpai seru', insaf lah aku. Itu yg buat aku kawin.

Aku tau ade yg tak puas ati ngan aku, ader yg 'mcm' nak blk ngan aku or maybe ader yg nak menyusahkan idup aku... Tp tolong ar beb. Past is past. Kite dah putus cara baik (serius beb! Semua putus cara gentleman punya...except x GF yg last). So move on ar... Buat per nak kaco family org? Takder pekdahnye....

So...if ader xGF aku yg baca blog aku ni, aku doakan korg bahagia, korg pun doakan lah moga family aku ni pon bahagia. Kite teruskanlah hidup kita masing2.

Last week, MixFM brekpas show ader discuss topik - Can we be friend with our xGF or xBF. For me, there is no such thing as friend with our x. Move on! Ramai lg org lain ble buat kwn ar....

Akhir kata... aku dah kawin! Aku akan setia ngan Erma sorg jer. Nak buat aper aku nak ader skandal ke mistress ke main kayu tiga ke...aku bukannya byk duit sgt pon. Aku sedar sapa diri aku. So tolong ar paham.

For those yg tak kenal aku, jgn mengada2 nak buat assumption psl aku. Ko sapa nak judge aku ni baik ke setan ke? For those yg kenal aku jer tau aku ni mcmane orgnya. These ppl jer yg layak nak judge aku baik ker setan orgnya...

Sekian, terima kasih.

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