Sblm bergelar juara, Malaysia perlu menundukkan musuh ketatnya iaitu Indonesia...Musuh ketat?.....Sejarah lagi -
Perseteruan di antara Malaysia & Indonesia bkn baru dalam apa jua bidang. Lebih2 lagi sukan. Piala Thomas telah memberi memori yg mengerikan pabila berjuta peminat fanatik telah memenuhi stadium Istora Senayan smpi tepi court final... bila Indonesia bertemu Malaysia pada tahun 1994, Malaysia kalah 3-0. Aku rasa team Msia masa tu mesti kecut perut punyalah.... Bygkanlah peminat tuan rumah yg ramai....bole plak dok blkg linesman jer jauhnya...kalo aku, x pyh main pon xpe kot.... Psyko tahap gaban dah tu.! Segala perseteruan ini biasanya adalah positif war...hanya tertumpu kepada player yg main. Fan hanya bersorak utk pasukan masing2...tidak sampai tahap mengutuk team lawan atau menghina team lawan.
Tetapi...semuanya berubah pabila Malaysia er actually beberapa rakyat Malaysia yg mendera bibik mereka yg berasal dari Indonesia hingga menjadi kes mahkamah. Eventho Polis & Mahkamah Malaysia telah menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap majikan2 yg bongok ini....tp rakyat Indonesia yg mmg mudah kena psyko....mula makin 'panas' sama warga Malaysia.
X cukup dgn kes tu, kes nelayan Indon, kes tentera ke...apatah (tp asal dari Indonesia) telah ditangkap kerana memasuki perairan Malaysia secara illegal. Dah ler sah2 salah diorg, Malaysia skali lagi dipersalahkan kerana mereka mendakwa bhawa nelayan or tentera tu blm lepas lagi sempadan Malaysia....
Maka bermulalah konfrontasi rakyat Indonesia terhadap rakyat Malaysia. Tarian yg ada dlm iklan Kem. Pelancongan diorg kata Msia curik....kain batik yg popular di Msia pon mereka kata kita curik....smpaikan lagu 'rasa syg' pon diorg kata Msia curik. Maka, mulalah mereka menggelar Msia 'maling' dan siap berarak ke konsulat Malaysia di Jakarta sampai ada yg membakar Jalur Gemilang!! WTF?!!
Back to present
So bile tournement AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 yg mana team Msia 1 group dgn team tuan rumah iaitu Indonesia.....korg pon dah tau apa jadi, kan? Fan Msia yg nak pergi game Indon vs. Msia @ Gelora Bung Karno pd 1 Dec 2010 siap di escort oleh pihak polis Indonesia kerana takut penyokong fanatik Indonesia akan bertindak ganas. No yellow shirt are allowed at all. Dgn kena baling btl la....kena kutuk tu...dah kompem la. Smpaikan bas yg fan Msia naik pon siap kena kepung...itu blm kira time game yg aku (& korg) tgk kat tv masa tu... tiap kali player Msia dpt bola - kena boo & kena panggil 'Maling!'. X cukup dgn tuh....bila 'Negaraku' berkumandang, satu stadium kedengaran 'boo' lagu tu. WTF??!!! in the end Msia kalah game tu 5-1. Team Msia masa tu mmg teruk. Tp kalo Messi play for Msia...kompem kalah gak beb. Baru pas main utk Asian game...then rehat 2 hari, then play for AFF Suzuki cup plak..Pancit beb!! Itu x termasuk yg injured & blm recover...
Tp stlh game tuh....Msia got their rhythm back...draw against Thai 0-0 then Beat Laos 5-1. Credit also should goes to Indonesia football team, diorg x spt fan diorg. They beat Thailand so that Indonesia top the group with full points from 3 games & Msia 2nd as the group runners up. Kalo Indonesia football team playing like what their fan wanted, they can always draw or lose to Thai in the final game of the group so that Thai and not Msia who will follow them to the semifinal.
In semifinal, Msia beat Vietnam 2-0 on aggregat and Indonesia beat 'BPL team' Phillipines. With that, Malaysia will play against Indonesia for the final.
1st leg Msia beat Indonesia 3-0.
This is the best game Ive ever witness Malaysia Football team play for as long as I can remember. Review game ni will be posted later. Masa game nilah...Malaysia football back on top of Malaysian heart. Bkn stkt persembahan hebat skuad Harimau Malaya, tp sebab fan Malaysia yg mmg superb!! kat stadium. Yg kat umah...aku x tau, sbb korg tgk kat umah korg, bkn umah aku...Kudos harus diberikan pada Ultra Malaya yg cheer team Msia even bile semua fan dlm stadium senyap...Psl fireworks...laser...Pls grow up la! Even Iker Casillas pon ada kena laser gak..x merengek mcm Markus pon. Mentang2 la Indon byk sinetron yg main kat tv sini, smpai ke tgh padang bola pon nak jugak? All are normal except ader 1 firework yg meletop betul2 atas player Msia. Itu mmg bangang. X kire la kena team Msia ke, team Indon ke...its unacceptable.
2nd leg: Indon beat Msia 2-1 (Msia won with aggregat 4-2).
Eventhough Msia kalah, tp kite menang final! Harimau Malaya played extremely well. Much better when they played against Vietnam in the 2nd leg semifinal. Bila Safee Sali score Msia thunderous 1st goal, its confirm that Msia menang that final. Penalty miss by the very nervous Indon captain, Firman pon menjadi antara petanda yg Msia bakal menang. Tp not to forget the superb through ball from Ashaari utk Safee Sali meledak gol pertama Msia. Mmg klas! Tp above all, abe Kharul Fahmi played extremely well sbg benteng terakhir Msia.
And....thats how Malaysia won their 1st international tournament after 14 years!! Itu x termasuk Pingat Emas dari sukan Sea tahun lepas la.
Congratulation to the management, FAM, the Harimau Malaya squad. Aku nak mention a few name yg without them, Malaysia cannot achieve this feat....

Who win the midfield battle, win the game. Itu yg slalu aku ingatkan bila tgk any football game (Nak main..jarang2 je dpt). Since the lost to Indonesia in the group stage, Safiq lebih byk playing as central midfielder than his usual attacking midfielder. Of coz, bile tukar ke central midfield...automatically ko xble shoot jauh and try score bile masuk ke kawasan D. Tp it work well for Safiq coz he can relay the ball to either Kunanlan or Amirulhadi on the flank. Unfortunately he didnt perform up to his true capability. Kalau dia peak at the right time, ko akan dpt tgk a great midfielder or maybe a playmaker in action. Xpe...Safiq got a lot of time to polish his trade.
The Cleaner - Amar Rohidan
A great team always have the player to do the dirty yet vital job - aku panggil the cleaner. If Vieira are for Arsenal, then Keane are for Manchester United then if Nanthakumar is for Perak then Amar Rohidan is for Malaysia.
Knape dia penting? As the cleaner, same as the name goes, Amar will help the defender to clear any attack from opponent. Amar also will mark any opposition playmaker so that he will not play to his normal rhythm. That is why Firma Utina - Most valuable player (MVP) of AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 play so bad in both leg of the final.
Xkan korg x prasan when Amar dikeluarkan, Msia kena 2 gol? Yes.... sbb the cleaner dah xder. Sabri Abu or Amri Yahyah is not a good defensive midfielder nor Safiq Rahim. That's why Amar is very important to the Malaysia formation.
The final jigsaw of Malaysia football team puzzle - Khairul Fahmi Che Mat
Malaysia sentiasa mempunyai a good football team but it always turn bad bcoz of the goalkeeper 'budak tadika' error. Remember Helmi Eliza? Remember Kamarulzaman Hasan yg score gol sendiri utk Thailand menang emas SEA games 2001? Malaysia always have a bad goalkeeper.
Until Ahmad Sharbinee and his fushia jersey start playing for Malaysia in the SEA games 2009. Then Msia start to have a good goalkeeper. Bile Sharbinee injured, MSL best goalkeeper for 2010 get the nod. Khairul Fahmi tidak mengecewakan. He play very well especially under heavy pressure. When Msia lost 5-1 in the group stage against Indon. Sharbinee yg baru baik injured get the nod. Lauk seh! After that game, Khairul Fahmi get the nod... the rest is history.
Without him, there will be no Harimau Malaya winning the AFF Suzuki Cup 2010. He has assemble a young yet energetic squad of players. Couple with a few great player from a bad batch, Coack Rajagopal has found his team. Korg prasan x, whenever Malaysia are playing, he will wear his lucky white shirt? tlg cek blk.
Aku prasan pon start when he take over from Sathianathan, game against Manchester United. From then on, When Malaysia play, he will wear his white shirt.
Whatever it is, he has found what others has fail. Dari Claude Le Roy, Allan Harris, Bertalan Bickskei smpailer Sathianathan...K Rajagopal has brought back Malaysia football to the right track.
x d lupakan kpd Our couragous defend duo - Muslim Ahmad & Fadhli Shas. They played as if that were going to be their final day. For now...we salute you. Hope that you have set this team a bigger target and like Dato Subhan - Malaysia team manager said, next target - qualify for 2015 Asia Cup. Then baru kite bole mimpikan Malaysia beraksi di WORLD CUP.
This squad are actually not thebest we have. Bile kembar Zafififfifd pulih dari injury, Badrol Bakhtiar, Khyril Muhaimeen & Gary Steven Robart (ntah betul ke tak ejanya) back from injury, Malaysia will have a much..much better squad of player.
We as fan pon kena play part gak beb! Kalo stakat bile menang jer baru ko nak tgk Msia main...baru nak kenal sapa Khairul Fahmi...baru nak kenal Safee Sali...baru nak kenal Elia (dung!!) then we are not a true Harimau Malaya fan. Tgk fan timnas Indon. Gile fanatik! Thai national squad fan? gile fanatik! Itu x kire team kuat Jepun & South Korea...Team bola diorg makin kuat coz fan dtg tgk league or national team diorg main beb! So show your role. Jgn stkt bising di fb, twitter (kite kena bising kat twitter gak la..lauk seh dgn fan Indon harituh) jer kite kena teruskan menyokong team bola kite.
Aku rasa ada possibility pas ni yg aku akan lebih fanatik menyokong team Msia/Johor FC/Johor FA/Muar MP lebih dari Manchester United kot...hehe
The future look so bright.... Come on MALAYSIA!
(Gila fanatik post ni...lebih fanatik dari post MU aku)
1 comment:
-Setuju ngan tulisan kao.....tambah2 bila bab fan Malaysia ni bila menang camni mula la sibuk nak menunjukkan muka....masa time kalah dolu habis dikutuk cercanya mereka.....huh!!!
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