Last weekend mmg weekend yg paling gua tunggu selepas MU umumkan yg diorg akan turun ke Malaysia in July 2009.
At last... gua dpt tgk dgn mata kepala gua sendiri pemain2 kelab kegilaan gua sejak gua berumur 7 tahun: MANCHESTER UNITED!!!
Gua kena admit lah.. dah 2 years sejak last time gua tgk bola live kat stadium. Last skali gua tgk live game kat stadium when Malaysia vs. Singapore in 2007 @ Std Shah Alam. Masa tuh gua blm kawen lagi beb! Hehe..
Gua dpt jugak terpekik terlolong menjerit pasukan kegemaran gua training kat depan mata kpala gua - Manchester United and Malaysia. Well to be true...Malaysia to bonus jer. X yah tgk pon x per... Masa training pon kena kutuk. Malas ar nak lebih2...
Tu x kire gua terpekik terlolong menjerit utk pasukan kegemaran gua beraksi di depan mata. Huhuh... mmg pengalaman yg x ble gua lupakan ar..
So let gua start dgn the 1st day of the MU Asia tour of Malaysia.
Gua amik cuti hari Jumaat tuh. Plan in the morning nak pegi KLIA greet the team when they touchdown @ 11am. Then follow them check-in at their hotel right after that. Then follow them for the media conference @ 2pm. Then proceed to KLCC for a session of Nike 5 on 5 @ 3pm. Then proceed to Std bukit Jalil where MU will have their training session @ 5.30pm. Pastuh follow diorg tgk Harry Potter kat TGV KLCC mlmnyer.
Gua amik cuti hari Jumaat tuh. Plan in the morning nak pegi KLIA greet the team when they touchdown @ 11am. Then follow them check-in at their hotel right after that. Then follow them for the media conference @ 2pm. Then proceed to KLCC for a session of Nike 5 on 5 @ 3pm. Then proceed to Std bukit Jalil where MU will have their training session @ 5.30pm. Pastuh follow diorg tgk Harry Potter kat TGV KLCC mlmnyer.
But actually gua stay kat umah...basuh baju la, kemas umah la bla bla... coz my parents-in-law will be coming over tomorrow for Lily wedding reception on Sunday. After the Friday prayer, gua g pick up Latip (my fanatic MU supporter fren yg sanggup turun jejauh dr Penang utk tgk MU) kat Pudu b4 heading to Std Bukit Jalil. On the way to pudu, Taufiq (kazen gua) dah sms bgtau dah ramai yg start filling up the stadium. Gua dah resah bro. Buatnyer lmbt smpai..tambah jem lagi (tau jer la bkt jalil tu bile big matchday) kompem gua ble smpai lmbt. Pas amik Latip, kitorg smpai kat stadium dlm pkl 3.30pm. Kereta mmg beratur ar nak masuk parking std...but still consider ok lagi. Pas jer parking keta, gua ngan latip terus ar carik Red gate. Entrance into the std.
Jumpa 1 entrance. Dah nak lepas masuk dah. Skali gua kena tahan. Ceh..rupenyer VIP entrance. Nyesal gua tunjuk gua punye training pass. If not, sah2 gua ble dpt dok kat VIP sitting plus...ble turun padang...Nak buat cmane...bkn rezeki gua... At last kitorg jumpe la Red gate tuh...
Nak masuk std. Kena tahan lagi... tp kali ni Latip plak...botol air, mknn x ble bwk masuk. Ceh...kacau btol. Selepas abiskan air & mknn, kitorg pon masuk ler std dgn jayanyer..Mase tuh pkl 3.40pm.
Kitorg dpt dok kat blkg gol nearby scoreboard yg ader jam. Ingat nak dok kat seating tgh-mengadap garisan tgh MasyaAllah...panas x hengat seh dok kat situ!!
Kitorg dpt dok kat blkg gol nearby scoreboard yg ader jam. Ingat nak dok kat seating tgh-mengadap garisan tgh MasyaAllah...panas x hengat seh dok kat situ!!
Lama mencuci mata & berborak ngan mmbr Latip..akhirnya keluar lah segerombolan pemain2 Malaysia pd pkl 4.30pm...Dpt rousing applause gak la. Gua pk gak...mesti diorg x penah dpt this kind of reception if its only their training & not MU training. Heheh... The crowd mmg dah ramai ler time tuh..Almost 30K Mancunians wannabe a.k.a the red devils fans dah memenuhi stadium.
Stlh lebih sejam tgk & mengutuk pemain Msia training. Tibelah masa utk gua tgk live all (almost) MU players in front of my eyes.. Tgk ler video yg gua amik time MU player kluar ke padang. (Sorry ler video tuh senget. Gua x tau yg hp gua amik gmbr senget..hehe).
Mmg gempak le beb!! Memula skali Scholes keluar secara solo...then followed by Giggsy and the whole squad. The crowd mmg dah terpekik terlolong mcm histeria dah. Gua pun same... We chants all the big names "Giggsy!! Giggsy!!" "Rio!! Rio!!" and of coz crowd favourite "Roooooney!! Rooooney!!" and to my shocks... ramai gak yg menyokong kemasukan Owen ke dlm MU. Gua still x ble terima yg an ex-liverpool player is playing for MU. Who would have think about that!!!
Aper jer MU player buat..the crowd will react. Even when the coach kena amik bola dkt ngan pagar kat fan seat pon kena cheers!! We are totally mad about Manchester United!!
Warm down session nearby tmpt kitorg dok
Time gmbr atas diambil.. mmg rase mcm paparazzi la bro!! Aper gmbr je amik...Clear ker blur ker (most of it blur arh...tension gua) blasah jer...
The training session last for 1 hour. Dlm pkl 6.40pm, all MU player has leave the field. Ape lagi..kitorg pon berebut ar kua.. nak amik gmbr diorg b4 diorg naik bas back to the hotel.
Time gmbr atas diambil.. mmg rase mcm paparazzi la bro!! Aper gmbr je amik...Clear ker blur ker (most of it blur arh...tension gua) blasah jer...
The training session last for 1 hour. Dlm pkl 6.40pm, all MU player has leave the field. Ape lagi..kitorg pon berebut ar kua.. nak amik gmbr diorg b4 diorg naik bas back to the hotel.
Settle 1st day of the MU tour to Malaysia.
Di samping training session kat dlm stadium. Di luar std pon ble tahan gak gempaq jugak..Astro organize sort of like a temasya call Sokker Safari. Byk gak xtvt kat sini. Ader live concert, freestyle timbang bola, PS3 game event (Apsal la diorg main FIFA 09! If diorg main PES09 or WE, kompem gua x blk punyer la!!!), face paint and of coz the main event is futsal 3-on-3.
Kat stall atas dpt gak ar bli sourvenir t-shirt MU. Byk gak design menarik. Tp gua amik round neck t-shirt warna putih. Jgn x percaya..The latest MU jersey with the V across the chest pon ader jual (bkn kat MU stall ar) RM70 beb!!! hehe cepat sungguh diorg nih. No wonder ar gua tgk ramai yg pakai the new jersey..susah nak bezakan between ori & pirate jersey.
Kitorg blah dr stadium lebey kurang 7.30pm. Pas tgk traffic dah reda sket. Gua & Latip mmg dah plan...tmrw...we will come early. X sanggup rasanyer nak dok blkg2 tgk ur favourite player played in front of ur own eyes...
Glory Glory Man United!!
Hmm.. Takde plak part mention tinggal bini die sorang2 kat umah.. Uwaaa uwaaa!! :p hehe
histeria beb!
tahun depan gerenti MAn U datang lagi la!
Cutestamoi: Erk...bukan ke syg g kije? Bile plak dok umah ni??
j: Bkn stakat histeria jer..sawan terus...hehe
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