"Its a drama la syg..." Kata gue pd erma.
"Bkn... filem la" Jawab erma. Sabo jer la gue...
Well the movie is a drama and a bit thriller. Pada sapa yg dah baca review die (like my wife in order for her not to sleep during the movie)tentu tau yg crite ni is heavy.
Sebab utama gue tgk movie ni is nak tau ape 7 benda yg Will Smith akan buat b4 he dies. Gue expect crite nie ader mcm crite Seven (Brad Pitt) dolu, but actually bkn.
Crite berkisar kpd watak Will Smith, Ben Williams yg mencari 7 org yg dia rase layak utk die tlg. Aper yg nak die tlg, gue x ble bgtau la beb. Nak tau.. tgk blog lain or tgk movie ni sendiri k. Apart from his mission to help those 7 person, ader la flashback yg definitely akan bgtau korg ape sebab die nak tlg 7 org ni.
Crite die ok la with a sad ending. X sangke ade org nak bela obor2 ek. Tp Ben bela beb. Ade sbbnya.. If nak tau tgk ler sendiri crite ni. OK la. Worth it la tp x buat gue feel teruja nak puji bebyk.
Dr 5 bintang. Gue bg 2 3/4.
Erkss.. Shud be Ben Thomas aite? Sape la yang sleepy sebenarnye nie.. huhuhu
Salah name plak. Thanks for the correction. hehe
Ive watched the movie last month, ofkos on dvd..its a bit slow with sad ending, and i think will smith nailed this time with that sad-emo-suicidal character.but on another note, gua menyampah tengok citer sedey sbb tak pasal2 nangis...:P
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